Compaq (now Hewlett-Packard) and Employee Benefit Plans
Compaq's termination of disabled employees and slashing these employee's financial and health care security


"Dear Disabled Employee"

"Dear Disabled Employee" II


The "transition obligation""

Plan Details

The Disclaimer


Links and Actions
(coming soon)



Can you trust Compaq's (now Hewlett-Packard) written documents?

Note, these actions were taken before Compaq merged with Hewlett-Packard. The merged company now uses the name Hewlett-Packard. The author has no details on how the merger will affect these issues.

On September 28th, 1998, Texas based Compaq Computer Corporation ("Compaq") issued a letter addressed to "Dear Disabled Employee". Its purpose was, "to inform you of decisions that have been made regarding Digital's disabled population".

The "decisions" were effectively to inform Digital Equipment Corporation's ("Digital") employee population (acquired by Compaq via purchase) on long term disability that, their benefit package, as documented by Digital, would not be honored and many benefits would be terminated or reduced.

Compaq proceeded to financially devastate their employee's financial and health care future. Many or most of the affected employees are on a fixed income replacement plan that vanishes when they turn 65. These employees have no options, they cannot seek other employment or insurance and mistakenly held trust in their written employee manual and letters personally addressed to them when they became disabled.

It is the author's intent to only provide data on these pages that can be substantiated. Any errors will be corrected as soon as possible after the author receives tangible evidence an error exists. Additional information may be included if it can be validated.

At present, only information regarding benefits for employees disabled prior to 1992 is included since the author only has hard documentation regarding those employees at this time. The author is aware that more Compaq employees are affected and is awaiting hard documentation prior to including them on these pages.

There is no intent to express opinion regarding Compaq's conduct, observations are included only to assist the reader. Any conclusions as to the character of Compaq Corporation's actions is left to the reader.

"Dear Disabled Employee"

Comments, corrections or additions may be sent to the webmaster