Compaq and Employee Benefit Plans
Compaq's termination of disabled employees and slashing these employee's financial and health care security


"Dear Disabled Employee"

"Dear Disabled Employee" II


The "transition obligation"

Plan Details

The Disclaimer


Links and Actions
(coming soon)



This document is a work in progress, please contribute! Check back for additional, updated or corrected information. It is not the authors intent to restrict these pages to the information they presently contain.

It is the author's intent to present data regarding Compaq's employment practices such that the reader may draw his/her own conclusions. Past, present and potential future employees of Compaq may find this information of particular use.

The author takes any error in representation (even if by omission) very seriously and will make every effort to rectify such errors as soon as possible after receiving hard documentation of such an error.

Comments, corrections or additions may be sent to webmaster